IFoN – „Charta of Honory“ to IJF Präsident Marius Vizer & Peter Frese DJB

One year ago, in February 2020, the President of the IJF – International Judo Federation – Mr. Marius Vizer, was presented with the „Charter of Honory“ for the special commitment and support of ID-Judo –judoka with intellectual disabilities on the way to the Paralympics, by the IFoN President and CEO Mr. Klaus Gdowczok in Düsseldorf, on the occasion of the Judo Grand Slam. This certificate, which was also presented to the DJB President Peter Frese, is the highest award of the IFoN, for honorable support of ID-Judoka, in the sense of equality and participation of mentally disabled athletes in the sense of the UN CRPD, worldwide.
phoenix-voice blog 2-2020
IFoN „ID-Judo Ehrenurkunde“ Übergabe an IJF Marius Vizer Peter Frese, Victor Gdowczok, Thomas Geisel, Marius Vizer, Klaus Gdowczok Übergabe der „IFoN ID-Judo Ehrenurkunde“
beim IJF Grand Slam Düsseldorf 2020