Kategorie: G-Judo

IFon is an international federation of independent national ID-judo associations and legal guardians of people with an intellectual disability.

ID-Judo becomes Paralympics

ID-Judo becomes Paralympics
We are sure that all nations, their federations, and ministries will join our motion and supportively work on many levels for the barrier-free implementation of the participation of intellectual impaired judoka in Paralympic competitive sport. 

The IPC has not denied our request to provide participation 

for our daughters, sons and legally supervised, more than  

10.000 ID judoka active in Paralympic judo! 

The path has begun: 

„ID Judo Becomes Paralympic“

Übergabe der „IFoN Unterstützungsurkunde ID-Judo“ beim IJF Grand-Slam Düsseldorf

Präsident IJF Herr Marius Vizer und der Präsident DJB Herr Peter Frese erhalten die „IFoN Para-Unterstützer-Urkunde ID-Judo“ Anläßlich der Eröffnungsfeier des IJF Judo Grand-Slam in Düsseldorf erhielten am Samstag, den 22.2.2020, die Präsidenten – IJF Herr Marius Vizer und – DJB Herr Peter Frese, die „IFoN Para-Unterstützungs-Urkunde ID-Judo„ . Diese Urkunde wurde übergeben durch…


Dear All, Presidents of all Federations in the World to all sports federations of the world, to all Heads of Goverment June 2019    „ID-Judo that´s Fire & Soul“   Equal opportunities: the competition classes do not have to be oriented to performance in order to create equal opportunities in the sense of para…

Judo European dChampionships ID-Judo 2019 COLOGNE

the 2nd official Judo European Championships ID-Judo from the 17. 10.2019 to 20.10.2019 in Cologne. Form your team „The Best of the Best from the Nations“ Register your team. We would like to invite you to be a part of the milestone towards the Paralympics https://www.ec-id-judo.eu/

Happy Holidays

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9LE1idp72w&w=560&h=315] Happy Holidays Our vision: ID-Judo goes Paralympics, will also receive a new milestone in 2019 through the 2nd European Championship in Cologne. DJB – the German Judo Federation as representative of the EJU will organize this 2nd European Championships in Cologne with the support of the DBS-NPC and the INAS. This wonderful…